Teaching the lost art of skin on frame boat building from the arctic since 1990

The Skin Boat School has been providing the highest quality skin boat classes for countless people interested in building traditional skin-on-frame kayaks, umiaks, canoes, eclectic skin-on-frame boats and paddles. The Skin Boat School has always provided the highest standards of instruction. Each of the over 1,500 skin-on-frame boats to our credit have been been custom tailored for each individual person.​
The professional atmosphere contributes to a positive learning environment where both novice and experienced woodworkers can enjoy the challenge and fun of building their own boats.
Corey Freedman’s in-depth experience makes for a relaxed and comfortable environment. For those with no prior woodworking experience, this is an excellent opportunity to learn the fundamentals of building with wood, while those with more experience can fine tune their skills and learn applications for the specialized art of building a skin on frame boat.
Due to the personalized nature of skin boats throughout history, together we will custom design and build your boat. As a result, your boat will reflect your interests, skill level, and body size in order to maximize the performance and your enjoyment.
Whatever your level, our small class size ensures that you receive plenty of personal attention. Our simple construction methods don't require bulky frames or jigs, allowing us to run workshops off-site or to work outside on nice days.
3,500 square feet of covered spaces on the 11 acre site, are completely dedicated just for skin-on-frame boat building. We start from the log and craft every component in-house.
Workshops run 3 quarters of the year at our facility in Anacortes, Washington, USA and at various off-site locations during the summer. Please check our calendar for locations and dates. We are excited to work with you.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear."
—Ambrose Redmoon